I fancied a wee drive up to Rannoch Moor as I hadn't been in quite a while, I've no idea why it's taken me so long to go back up, the scenery is simply stunning, I spent hours just looking around taking photos that time just drifted by and I was left with my daydreams. It's been said that the mood of the Scottish landscape depends on the weather more than anywhere else on Earth. Rannoch Moor is probably the most extreme example of that.

You can look at Rannoch Moor as a place of wonder, one of the last really wild places in Scotland. Or you can take Robert Louis Stevenson's view in the novel Kidnapped: "A wearier looking desert a man never saw". He clearly caught it on a driech day.

It's not too far to Glencoe from the Moor and well worth a wee visit, I bumped into some American friends who were over on vacation which was a wonderful surprise for all of us, the world is indeed a small place after all!!

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